“The Curse of Ted Gunderson”
Genre: Fiction
Product: Radio Play
Synopsis: Ted Gunderson is a 50-something loner-by-choice. He is so particular in his tastes and his expectations that he isolates himself. His omelet, for example, must be made to his precise specifications, with fresh avocado sliced thinly on the side. The weather repeatedly disappoints him. Whatever energy of the universe determines one’s blessing or misfortune, Ted positions himself on the wrong side every time.
Reminiscent of episodes of Twilight Zone, this piece is at first light-hearted, psycho-social, and ends with a justice that may or may not satisfy the listener. The moral of the story: perception is everything.
Musical artists represented:
- Woody Allen (chosen pre-child abuse charges)
- Kronos Quartet
- Ani DiFranco
- Arnold Schoenberg (Antal Dorati)
- And others.